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Pupils in Parkhall Integrated College undertake an effective careers and guidance programme from Year 8 – Year 14.

It is the belief of the College that preparing pupils for the ever-changing world of work is a crucial element of their education. With this in mind, pupils receive one hour per fortnight of careers education, information, advice and guidance to support them as they progress along their career pathway.

With Education for Employability at the heart of the revised Northern Ireland Curriculum, the careers programme has been developed to meet the requirements of the Department of Education, including a focus on:

  • Work in the local and global economy
  • Career Planning
  • Skills and Qualities for Work
  • Enterprise and Entrepreneurship

The program aims to develop the young people of Parkhall Integrated College as contributors to the economy with evident knowledge, skills and qualities which will enable them to excel in the world of work. A variety of teaching strategies ensures that students are prepared for life beyond school in an increasingly complex and changing world of work.

The Careers Department is conscious of providing as many opportunities to pupils as possible, and so offers BTEC Public Services and OCN Level 2 Certificate in Employability at KS4.

Pupils are supported by the Careers Department during key transition periods within their school career:

Year 10 (KS3): Key Stage 4 Option Choices

Year 12 (KS4): Post-16 Options

Year 14 (KS5): Post-18 Options

Parkhall has excellent links with the Careers Service NI who support pupils and parents/guardians during key transition periods with impartial advice and guidance.

Throughout their school career, pupils will take part in specific careers-related workshops facilitated by outside agencies, including decision making, interview skills, CV writing, to enhance their employability skills as they enter into the world of work.

As part of the Careers Department, pupils experience work-related learning through the College’s Work Experience Programme. Year 11 pupils complete one week of work experience during the month of June.

Parkhall Integrated College Vision Statement

‘To provide an inclusive, caring learning environment where we all feel valued and respected and are empowered to reach our full potential’